Configuration Settings

Octopus configuration parameters are those variables in conf/octopus-env.R, and will be loaded when starting a new R session.


These configuration contains the environment settings to run Octopus.

Property NameExampleMeaning
OCTOPUS_HOME /home/user/octopus Octopus installation folder.
OCTOPUS_UNDERFS_ADDRESS hdfs://master:9000 The URI address of the underlying file system.
OCTOPUS_WAREHOUSE /tmp/octopus-warehouse The data folder's path of Octopus in underlying file system.
OCTOPUS_R_JAVA_MEMORY 8g the amount of memory to use for R-JAVA.
OCTOPUS_SPARK_START TRUE If use Spark, set it to TRUE, otherwise FALSE.
OCTOPUS_SPARK_MASTER spark://master:7077 The master URL for the Spark cluster.
OCTOPUS_SPARK_CORES_MAX 4 The maximum amount of CPU cores of the application from the cluster, which is equivalent to spark.deploy.defaultCores
OCTOPUS_SPARK_EXECUTOR_MEMORY 8g The amount of memory to use per executor process, which is equivalent to spark.executor.memory
OCTOPUS_SPARK_DEFAULT_PARALLELISM 4 The default task number of shuffle process, which is equivalent to spark.default.parallelism
OCTOPUS_HADOOP_HOME /home/user/hadoop The home directory path of Hadoop.
OCTOPUS_MPI_HOME /home/user/mpi The home directory path of MPI.