
This guide briefly introduce the workloads built in DFS-Perf. Now we have x workloads in DFS-Perf. They are Metadata Operations Workload, Sequential/Random Read/Write Workload, Mix Read/Write Workload, Iterative Read/Wirte Workload and Irregular Massive Access Workload.

Metadata Operations Workload

This workload performs metadata operations like creating, existing, renaming or deleting files and do not read/write any bytes from/to the files. Actually, it repeats performing metadata operations for a while and measures the performance as ops-per-second.

Sequential/Random Read/Write Workload

This workload performs the basic throughput. It has three sub-workloads, which are Sequential Write, Sequential Read and Random Read. The sequential read/write workloads read/write a set of files byte-by-byte, and the random read workload reads files in a skip->read pattern.

Mix Read/Write Workload

This workload mixes the read and write operations in a configurable ratio. It is much closer to the real-world applications with heavy read (e.g., hot data storage like online videos) or heavy write (e.g., historical data storage like trading information).

Iterative Read/Wirte Workload

This workload represents the applications in which the output of the former iteration is the input of the next one. In more details, we provide two modes called Shuffle and Non-Shuffle respectively. In the Shuffle mode, it reads files from the whole workspace, which may lead to remote reading across the cluster network. In the Non-Shuffle mode, it only reads the files written by itself, which keeps good locality.

Irregular Massive Access Workload

In this irregular massive access workload, files are read or written randomly and concurrently. This can reflect the throughput performance of a DFS cluster that is close to the reality. Again, similar to the Iterative Workload, there are Shuffle and Non-Shuffle modes.

[large data]|read|read|read|...