
This short tutorial provides an introduction to how to run DFS-Perf.

To follow along with this guide, first install the DFS-Perf in either local mode or cluster mode.

Check the workload configurations

DFS-Perf puts the workload configuration file at conf/testsuite/{workload.name}. Before running the workload you can custom it by modifying the configuration file. See Configuration Settings for more details.

Clean up the workspace

Before running a workload, if you want to clean up the DFS-Perf workspace by the following command.

$ bin/dfs-perf-clean

Run a workload

After setting up all the configurations, you can run a workload with the very simple command bin/dfs-perf {workload.name}, e.g.

$ bin/dfs-perf Metadata

Abort a workload

When a workload is running, you can abort it by this command in another terminal.

$ bin/dfs-perf-abort

Generate result

After finishing a workload succesfully, the command bin/dfs-perf-collect {workload.name} is used to collect the context on each node and generate a total result.

$ bin/dfs-perf-collect Metadata